Our Champions
pictured From left to right below starting in January of 2001. ch MapleCreek's Fire Storm "Junior", ch MapleCreek"s Magic Equation "Einstein", ch. MapleCreek's Forever Amber "Amber", ch MapleCreek's Magic Moment "Mickey", ch Flaming Geysers Dulcinea "Darcy", ch MapleCreek's Come Home Bill Bailey "Bailey", ch MapleCreek's Days of Wine and Roses "Marley", ch MapleCreek's Christmas Bells "Teddy", ch Abode's Chase What Matters at MapleCreek "Chase", ch maplecreek's promises promises "andy", CH maplecreek's raining tys "rainy", MYSTIC lIGHTS fALLING mISTY rAIN BY mAPLECREEK "CAPO" Mini Schnauzers Ch MapleCreek's Fire Storm, aka "Junior," became our first Champion in January of 2001. Ch MapleCreek's Magic Equation, aka "Einstein," became our second Champion in July 2005. Ch MapleCreek's Forever Amber, aka "Amber," received her Championship in June 2006. CH MapleCreek's Magic Moment, aka "mickey" received his Championship in June 2008, ch maplecreek's promises promises aka "andy" received his championship in 2018, ch maplecreek's raining ty's, aka "rainy", received her championship in august 2021 ch mystic lights falling rain by maplecreek, aka"capo" received his championship oct 2021. havanese ch flaming geysers dulcinea aka "darcy" received her championship in 2007 ch maplecreek's come home bill bailey aka "bailey", received his championship in 2009 ch maplecreek's days of wine & roses aka "marley", received his championsil in 2010 ch maplecreeks christmas bells aka "teddy", received his championship in 2014 ch abodes chase what matters aka "chase", received his championship in 2015 |